about drøbel disc

Playing catch with a disc (frisbee) can, let's be honest, be a little boring after just a couple of minutes... we get it. We decided to do something about it and came up with a game anyone can play - and it's definitely not boring.

Trying to throw a disc through a goal to score points, and trying to make that other person not catch something using one hand only... now you're talking. The game can be played with two people or six - anywhere you have a little space. I think one on one is the best game though - throw it as hard as you can, as quick as you can, daring your opponent to catch it.

Throw it right through the goal for a single point, or go for the drøbel for three, or fit it through the 3-inch-high slot at the top for five points. Yeah, it's hard, but it can be done. Points are only awarded if your opponent can't catch it.

This endeavor will help with my upcoming college pursuit as well as donating 10% of each sale to the Alzheimer's Association.


Set up and play is easy.

Set Up

Goals are placed 12-15 yards apart. Individuals stand behind the goals. Games are played to 21 points. Points are only awarded if the disc goes through an opponent's goal without being caught

Throw It

Once game begins, play as fast as you want - you do not need to wait for your opponent to be ready. Throw it anyway you want, except hammer throws - those are not allowed!

Catch It

Use only one hand to catch - if you're a beginner, go ahead, use two hands or anything else that can help you catch. Try not to use your shins, it hurts.


Points are only awarded if the the disc is thrown through your opponent's goal and not caught by your opponent. 1 point if disc is thrown through goal, 3 points if the disc hits the hanging bar (drøbel) and passes through the goal. 5 points if disc travels through the slot located at the top of the opponent's goal. The disc must completely pass through the goal for points to be awarded!

Full Rules


Watch to learn more rules or game play


Contact Us

Ordering coming soon!


Huntinton Beach, CA

Pittsford, NY

Charleston, SC

Working Hours

Monday-Firday: 08:00-17:00

Saturday: Playing

Sunday: Playing

Contact Info

Phone: 585-469-5084

Email: drobelDisc@gmail.com

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